etsy shop tips: choosing a name for your shop

I clearly remember trying to come up with a name for my first Etsy shop for WEEKS.

Naming a business ain't easy, y'all. It's kind of like naming a child. That kid has to live with your decision for the rest of his/her life, so you better make it good, right? Back in the olden days of Etsy, you were stuck with your shop name, no matter how much you ended up hating it after 6 months. That's a lot of pressure, dude.

Thankfully, now, if you do experience naming remorse, you're able to make a change, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't put a fair amount of thought into your shop's name before you open it up to the public.


Here are a few of my tips for creating a shop name you'll love for years to come.


1. Simple is best. Make it memorable, easy to say, and easy to spell. You don't want to have to spell out the name of your shop every time to say it to someone. Trust me, I have to do that with my actual name (ALL THREE OF THEM), and it gets annoying after a while. (Thanks, Mom and Dad. Love y'all.)

2. Numbers are easy to forget. Even if you have a favorite number that you like to add to the end of every email address and social media handle you own, consider leaving it out of your shop name.

3. Make a list of some variations, just in case your first choice is already taken. You may even be able to add "shop", "boutique", or something similar to the end. However, if you're wanting a truly unique biz name, I'd suggest doing a bit more extensive research (Google is your bestie) to make sure nobody else is already using a name that could be confused with yours.

PRO TIP: Check out social media, too. Just because the shop name is available on Etsy doesn't mean it will be available on Instagram. Consistency in branding is important, so if you're wanting to grab that name on all of the most popular social media platforms, make sure it's available before you take the plunge.

4. Consider using your given name. If you're not totally sure what you'll be selling yet, or think you may want to expand in the future, this gives you the freedom to broaden your range of products and services without boxing yourself in.

Ultimately, go with your gut, and make sure it's something you'd be proud to put on a business card and announce to your friends and family!